Wednesday, March 12, 2008

coffee time collection

I guess you could say coffee is an important part of my life or, at least, that’s what my family would say as they think I consume too much.

Along with my affinity for drinking coffee, I enjoy collectible coffee items. Two of the old coffee containers pictured come from the Brimfield flea market in Massachusetts. The Folgers can with the ship graphic (which is my favorite of the three) was a bargain for 25 cents at a local garage sale. The little yellow coffee bank was a splurge for $10.00 (what was I thinking!!), at a place called Powerhouse antiques in the Collegeville, PA area.

Also pictured is a vintage 1950s Fireking mug. It shows Davy Crockett, "king of the wild frontier." This was a find for 75 cents in a box of otherwise junky stuff at a local yard sale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across this blog while searching collectibles for my company, I never knew collecting antique coffee cans was a hobby- truly unique! I would love to know what they would be appraised at. Collect on!