Saturday, May 24, 2008

mystery roman pattern on vintage glass

Pictured is a "vase" that I purchased at a garage sale for a dollar. Actually, I'm using it as a vase, but the seller told me it is a martini shaker from the 1950s. I've never really seen (or used) a martini shaker, but it makes sense as you can see that there are pouring lips in the the glass on the top rim.

What attracted me was the pattern, which is a stylized roman motif. I actually have other vintage glassware (regular drinking glasses) with the exact "roman" pattern that were used by my mother-in-law.

If anyone out there knows the name of this pattern or maker of this glassware, let me know -- I am very curious!

1 comment:

Mama Brook said...

You have a blog after my own heart!!

xoxo Mama Brook