Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pyrex with cradle

One of my hunting grounds for Pyrex is the New Life Thrift Shop in Glenside, PA. I’ll generally stop in once a month. This shop has a number of separate rooms, and one is devoted entirely to kitchen items! The “kitchen room” is a jumble of modular shelving full of dishes, pots, pans, canisters, odd pieces of silverware, and some things that I can’t identify. In short, a perfect place to forage!

This is where --for 8 dollars--I found my 2 1/2 quart Pyrex casserole with cradle, half buried under some other items. Although I’m not sure of its age, the cradle holder has a definite 1960s vibe. This piece, which I found there in its original box, appeared never to have been used. The pattern, I believe, is called "Empire scroll."

Cautionary note: Pyrex has been “discovered” in this shop as a collectable commodity; ie, in the thrift shop, there is a clip of a magazine article on collecting Pyrex posted in the kitchen area. That said, I still feel the prices are good, although not rock bottom.

1 comment:

linda t said...

Wow! What a find!
I have never seen a set like this. So rarely do you find the holder for the casserole dish!